Written Instructions

***Please note that these instructions are just a quick overview to cover
anything that you may have missed in the video training.

Installation through cPanel

* * * If you’re comfortable with creating databases in cPanel etc, you can follow these instructions.

  1. Download the blog zip file (say blogging.zip) from the “cPanel Install” tab, and extract it somewhere on your computer. This will have two files – installer.php, and a zip/daf file.
  2. Upload these two files to the root of the domain (eg: yourdomain.com) where you want to install the blog in (or a subfolder – eg: “blog”, if you prefer to install it there instead). Please ensure that the folder where you upload the files to is empty.
  3. Create a database for your blog in cPanel. Then, create a database user and add the user to the database. Assign privileges (ideally All privileges, if you’ll be using this user and DB only for this blog). Make a note of the database name, database user and password.
  4. Access the installer.php file through your Web browser. If you have uploaded the files in Step 2 to the root of your domain, then you can access the installer.php file as https://yourdomain.com/installer.php. If you uploaded them to a subfolder called “blog”, this would be https://yourdomain.com/blog/installer.php. Duplicator will do some preliminary checks to see if your server has the required settings, and give you a “Pass”.
  5. In the next screen, you can enter the database information (DB name, username and password) that you got from Step 3, and test the connection to the DB.
  6. Next screen, the installation proceeds further, and you’ll be given the option to update the URLs and also create a new admin account if needed. You can leave these at defaults and click Next.
  7. Installation completes in the next screen, and you can login to the site (using the username and password provided to you in the member’s area). It would be a good thing to go to Settings > Permalinks and click on the Save button once to save your Permalink structure at this point, to make sure all your links work well.

Your blog is now installed successfully. Once you login, please update the e-mail address with yours, so that you can reset your password if you get locked out. Also check the FAQ section for more inputs and pointers.

Installation from WordPress

* * * If you’re not comfortable with creating databases in cPanel etc, but you can install WordPress (or you have an existing WordPress setup you want to overwrite with the blog), then you can follow these instructions.

  1. Download the blog zip file (say blogdemo.offlineleadthemes.com_blogging_wpvivid-5d1a539d45a3a_2019-07-01-18-40_backup_all.zip) from the WPInstall tab to your computer. This will be one single zip file (please note that this file has a very long name and shouldn’t be changed).
  2. Log in to your existing WordPress install. Look up and install the “WPVivid” plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.
  3. In the WPVivid admin menu, you can use the “Backup Now” button to make a backup of the current site and download it (in case you want to preserve the current site).
  4. Scroll down the page, and click on the Upload tab. Upload the zip file you downloaded above here.
  5. Once the upload completes, click on the Backup tab again, and scan the file. The blog file will now be listed in the list of backups.
  6. You can now click on the Restore icon on this backup tab, and it will proceed with overwriting the blog on the current site. If asked to, select “Restore and replace original domain (URL)“, and click the Restore button.
  7. You can now see the step by step restore process.
  8. Once the restoration is completed, you’ll be logged out of the system, and asked to login again (this time, using the username and password provided to you in the member’s area). This marks the restoration as completed. Again, it would be a good thing to go to Settings > Permalinks and click on the Save button once to save your Permalink structure at this point, to make sure all your links work well.

Your blog is now installed successfully. Once you login, please update the e-mail address with yours, so that you can reset your password if you get locked out. Also check the FAQ section for more inputs and pointers.

** Don't forget to check out the first bonus (Top Feed Sources) under the FE Downloads tab.

** Additional documentation (theme and plugin settings) are available under the Links tab on this page.